The Ease in case management
Information Management with ease.
Manage your information and cases easily and effectively with modern technology. Store documents in encrypted format.
Opens in Mobile and Laptop with ease. Access from anywhere. Carry anywhere.
Find documents with our search feature.
Save notes
Save your research in your own personal note space. Refer them as and when you want. Control your research.
supported courts for alerts
We support judgments from Honbl. Supreme Court of India, Honbl. High Courts and Tribunals for alerts and triggers
You can use our tutorials and help pages to understand how to effectively use mLeAP Legal research.
All documents is encrypted with industry standard encryption. Do not worry about your documents falling into wrong hand.
Alert, Trigger and Track
Save your research in your briefcase.
mLeAP lets you save all your research and notes linked to a project/case. If that case is pending in front of a court, mLeAP also informs you about the case getting listed in front of a bench. Never miss an opportunity to find what you need.
Case Management
Use Case briefing to run your analysis.
mLeAP understands the case briefing and finds out the judgments which are important for you. It finds out how similar cases behaved in the past with multiple benches.
Arm yourself with information by typing counter arguments and prepare for whatever argument come your way.